Undergraduate Program in
Strategic Communication (UPCS)

Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Resmi Terapkan Kurikulum Kampus Merdeka
Tangerang – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) resmi menerapkan Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM). Sosialisasi program dari Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan ini dilaksanakan pada Februari 2021 untuk seluruh Dosen dan pada minggu pertama Maret 2021 secara bergantian kepada seluruh mahasiswa. Sejalan dengan misi UMN, program ini dapat mendorong seluruh mahasiswa UMN untuk menguasai berbagai keilmuan yang berguna untuk memasuki dunia kerja.
Pada dasarnya, MBKM dilaksanakan untuk memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk belajar diluar kampus. Mahasiswa diberi keleluasaan untuk memilih kegiatan MBKM yang mereka inginkan. Kebijakan ini lahir dari visi misi Presiden Joko Widodo yang akan menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia unggul sebagai upaya mendapatkan generasi masa depan yang berkualitas.
Di UMN, program ini akan diterapkan di seluruh program studi yang ada. “Universitas Multimedia Nusantara sangat mendukung program pemerintah yang sangat baik ini dan akan diterapkan mulai dari semester ganjil 2021/2022,” ungkap Wakil Rektor Bidang Akademik UMN, Friska Natalia.
Sebelumnya, kampus merupakan semata tempat untuk belajar mahasiswa secara tatap muka langsung dengan dosen sebagai pengajar. Dosen merupakan sumber utama bagi mahasiswa mendapat pembelajaran dan dengan adanya Kampus Merdeka, direfleksikan sebagai bentuk kemerdekaan mahasiswa dalam belajar, tak lagi harus di depan kelas yang sudah diagendakan bersama dosen. Mahasiswa diharapkan akan bisa mandiri dalam menyelesaikan berbagai upaya pemecahan masalah nyata.
“Di program MBKM ini, kampus akan memfasilitasi kebebasan belajar mahasiswa dengan memberikan kebebasan untuk mengambil SKS di luar program studi mahasiswa tersebut dan kebebasan melaksanakan aktivitas pembelajaran di luar perguruan tinggi. Program ini juga telah didesain untuk tetap memenuhi Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL) yang telah ditetapkan oleh setiap Program Studi, tetapi dengan bentuk pembelajaran yang berbeda. ,” lanjut Friska.
UMN mengimplementasikan MBKM ke dalam beberapa program, yaitu: program magang, program kewirausahaan, program pertukaran pelajar, program penelitian, proyek independen, dan proyek desa. Sebagian besar program ini sudah diimplementasikan oleh UMN sebelumnya, sehingga infrastruktur pendukung telah siap untuk digunakan. Sebut saja untuk program kewirausahaan dimana UMN sudah memiliki Skystar Ventures sebagai program inkubator bisnis mahasiswa. Program magang juga sudah difasilitasi melalui Career Development Center (CDC) UMN yang berjejaring dengan perusahaan untuk selalu memberikan info lowongan magang, lowongan kerja, hingga menyelenggarakan job fair bagi mahasiswa UMN. Program pertukaran pelajar yang didukung oleh Global Office baik dengan Universitas dalam maupun luar negeri.
Kebebasan belajar yang diberikan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan belajar di luar prodinya ini diharapkan bisa dimanfaatkan setiap mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan kapabilitas dirinya, baik di bidang soft skills maupun hard skills. Program ini juga diharapkan dapat memberikan kesempatan bagi mahasiswa UMN untuk mendapatkan kompetensi tambahan di luar capaian pembelajaran yang telah ditetapkan oleh setiap program studi sehingga dapat menjadi bekal untuk masuk di dunia kerja setelah lulus dari UMN.
“Pada akhirnya, selaras dengan visi dan misi pemerintah RI mengenai program MBKM, penerapan program ini di UMN diharapkan bisa menciptakan lulusan-lulusan UMN yang unggul dan berkualitas, yang menguasai berbagai keilmuan yang berguna di dunia kerja, atau untuk melanjutkan studi, dan tetap belajar sepanjang hayat di tengah masyarakat,” tutup Friska.
by Stephanus Novi – UMN News Service
Becoming a leading Communication Science Study Program that produces graduates with international insight, who are competent in the field of Corporate Communication and Marketing Communications based on logic, ethics, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by emphasizing theoretical and practical mastery, entrepreneurial spirit and virtuous character.
- Organizing a quality learning process, supported by qualified teaching staff, supported by professional teaching staff and an up-to-date curriculum that links and matches with industry.
- Carry out research programs that contribute to the development of ICT-based communication science.
- Carry out community service activities related to communication, so that it can contribute to meeting the needs of the community and the industrial world.

2028/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/IX/2016 – A Accredited

Member of ASPIKOM Jabodetabek
Asosiasi Pendidikan Tinggi Ilmu Komunikasi
The Biggest Media Company in South East Asia

Badan Perlindungan Konsumen Nasional

Persatuan Perusahaan Periklanan Indonesia

Persatuan Hubungan Masyarakat Indonesia

History Of UMN Communication Science
UPCS is the first study program that has existed since UMN was founded. Previously, UPCS had two majors, namely Journalism and Public Relations. However, since 2016, the major in Journalism has developed into a separate and independent study program, while the major in Public Relations has been expanded to a Major in Corporate Communication. In the same year, UPCS also formed a Major in Marketing Communications. In September 2016, UPCS received a study program accreditation from BAN-PT (National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education/NAAHE) with an outstanding result (A).
UPCS has designed a curriculum in 146 credits that students can complete in eight semesters. UPCS focuses on strategic communication studies designed with two existing majors. Both majors require creativity and innovation skills, from the planning process, analysis to implementation and evaluation in various forms of digital media in the communication industry. This need led UPCS to initiate a collaborative learning model that was supported by special classes to develop student skills in collaboration, teamwork and problem-solving.
Graduate Profile
Graduate Profile
Expected Learning Outcome (ELO)
Expected Learning Outcome (ELO)
Curriculum Structure
Curriculum Structure
Program Specification
Program Specification
Constructive Alignment
Constructive Alignment
The Philosophy of Education Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
Educational philosophy of university were based on the principles of caring, credible, competent, competitive, customer delight, the philosophy of transcendental humanism which is the spirit of Kompas Gramedia Group and the spirit of nationhood, Multimedia Nusantara University provides space for students to become intellectuals who are humanists, ready to face change, compassionate, have a smart and creative global perspective. noble character and beneficial to stakeholders, the development of science, and society.
Aligned to educational philosophy of university called 5C Values (Caring, Credible, Competent, Competitive and Customer Delight), Undergraduate Program in Management had been designing an educational philosophy called “Holistic and Contextual Learning”. Holistic and Contextual Learning process is becoming an instrument on how our program could be delivered and implemented in students’ learning process. It is clearly reflects the implementation of educational philosophy of university which balances the students’ academic achievement with noble characters.
Welcome, new students of UPCS!
Foundation Year consists of two first semesters that new students have to pass through the study that emphasizes the aspects of attitude and general knowledge. Those two semesters are UPCS providing the new students basic knowledge of communication science so they are packaged where all of the subjects and credits have to be taken.
1st Semester
In this first semester, the students will be introduced to the basic principles of communication science, communication and technology, business principles, critical and creative thinking, creative writing and storytelling, and digital photography. Those faculty-wide courses will be taken with the general courses that consist of religion, basic English, and the five principles (Pancasila).
2nd Semester
The second semester consists of learning deeper about communication theory, digital videography, business English, design thinking, introduction to public relations, introduction to advertising, and Indonesian for communication.
After accomplishing the foundation year, students will be prepared to face the second year that emphasizes aspects of basic applied communication science and begins to enter specific knowledge of basic applied communication.
Academic Advisor
Students will get academic guidance from an assigned Academic Advisor (PA) related to the learning process to overcome obstacles in the study period and other academic problems from the foundation year until graduation.
UPCS prepares Kartu Rencana Studi (KRS) Retrieval Guidelines which become student manuals in filling KRS online, and Academic Guidance and Undergraduate Curriculum books as documents referred to by PA as a reference for implementing academic guidance, as well as containing details of their duties, responsibilities, and authorities.
PA monitors the progress and academic status of each student and approves the student’s KRS proposal every semester. PA provides academic guidance at least 4 (four) times per semester, namely during general guidance from UPCS to all students per semester, filling in KRS, before the mid examination (UTS), before the final examination (UAS), and if there are other problems related to academic achievement.
To support the learning process, umn provided a complete and sophisticated college facility, according to industrial standards. Through the existence of the facility, students have been invited to be close to the industrial world since sitting in college and to have competence that matches the needs of the industry. That way, it will make it easier for umn students to find jobs, even before graduation.
Collabo Hub Gallery
Works Gallery
The following videos are some advertisements as a group assignment to fulfill the UAS assignment in the Media Production course in the Communication Science Study Program.
“Pakai TaniHub Aja”
“Kata Kopi: Kata Siapa”
“POS Indonesia: Untuk Anda Kami Ada”
“Teh Gopek Advertising”
“#MusicSpeaks with JOOX” Eps. 1
“#MusicSpeaks with JOOX” Eps. 2
“#MusicSpeaks with JOOX” Eps. 3
“#MusicSpeaks with JOOX” Eps. 4
Rheemar Hardiyanto, S.Kom.
IT Manager
Mujiono, M.I.Kom.
Communication Science Faculty Laboratorium Manager
Orisa Mahardhini
Library Manager
Fathia Barnez, S.I.Kom.
Communication Science Faculty Laboratory Assistant
Lya Batubara, S.Th.
Communication Science Faculty Admin
Rekapitulasi Penelitian Hibah DIKTI - Ilmu Komunikasi
KAMI UMN (Keluarga Alumni Universitas Multimedia Nusantara)
KAMI UMN was initiated by the idea to gather all alumni that are spread across Indonesia and overseas. KAMI UMN wished to be able to strengthen good relations within its alumni and also with UMN as the alma mater.
Keluarga Alumni Universitas Multimedia Nusantara or known as KAMI UMN was established on 23 February 2013. The establishment of KAMI UMN was initiated by the idea to gather all alumni that are spread across Indonesia and overseas. KAMI UMN wished to be able to strengthen good relations within its alumni and also with UMN as the alma mater. To express its commitment, KAMI UMN registered as a legal entity on 24 February 2015. The Deed of Establishment signed by Bonaventura Aditya as the chairman of KAMI UMN 1st Generation.
KAMI UMN activities are varied, organized by alumni and for alumni aiming to develop alumni competence, to provide networking based, and to support alumni contributions. To develop alumni competence, some activities such as KAMI Skill Update and KAMI Industrial Insight are held routinely. As to provide networking based, it’s not only done through Alumni Gathering, but periodically done by distributing Newsletter and Bulletin to provide alumni with updated information about UMN and its alumni. Alumni contributions are done in many ways, it’s routinely done in the form of sharing knowledge (Alumni sharing) and providing scholarships for students in need.
Currently KAMI UMN is in the 3rd generation, led by Christian Wijaya, S.Kom and Michael Chisty Gunawan S.I.Kom. KAMI UMN 3rd generation committed to increase Alumni active participation and establish data infrastructure as the basis of decision-making in order to increase the quality of alumni.
- To encourage, foster and promote close relations among the alumni.
- To devote science, technology and art to society.
- To maintain good relations with UMN as alma mater.
Generation (2021-2024)
Chairman: Christian Wijasa, S. Kom
Vice Chairman : Michael Christy Gunawan, S. I. Kom
Secretary and Treasurer : Rahel Veronika, S. E
Alumni & Student Development: Giovanny Gouwardi, S. I. Kom , Hans, S, E., M.M.
Data Support & Analyst : Renno Cantona, S. E.
Public Relations: Olive Kusnadi, S. I. Kom.
I’M KOM is a student council under the Faculty of Communication Sciences in Multimedia Nusantara University. As a student council of the faculty, we are responsible for two majors; Strategic Communication and Multimedia Journalism.
- The round shape means that I’M KOM will always become one and can never be broken off.
- The cursive writing of I’M KOM with a pen drawing beside it means that I’M KOM will always work and it will never stop.
- The “Cor Unum” writing is our motto from Latin Language, which means one heart.
- Improve the existence of I’M KOM so that it can be beneficial to all students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Multimedia Nusantara University, both in academic and non-academic fields.
- Implement all of the work programs based on research on the needs and problems of Communication Science students in Multimedia Nusantara University.
- Increase interactivity with all Multimedia Nusantara University Communication Science students
- Maintain good relations with I’M KOM alumni
- Adjustment of the management division of I’M KOM GEN XI
- Core Committee
Core committee of I’M KOM Gen XI is responsible for leading and controlling all the work programs of I’M KOM and also responsible for administrative affairs.
- President = Putri Amantha Negara
- Vice President = Sherin Sukma Limanus
- Secretary and Treasurer I = Carissa Lois Tracy
- Secretary and Treasurer II = Elmyra Diesa Febianka
- External Public Affairs
External Public Affairs of I’M KOM Gen XI is responsible for maintaining good relationships with people outside of the Faculty of Communication Sciences Multimedia Nusantara University, such as other student councils, other universities, media partners, and also companies.
- Coordinator = Johannes Kevin
- Member = Kevin Hernando
- Member = Muti Retno Hasanatun
- Member = Leoni Angela Widiana
- Member = Michael
- Member = Lulu Vania
- Member = Marcella Nathania
- Member = Eugenia Keshia
- Member = Brenda Estherina
- Internal Affairs
Internal Affairs of I’M KOM Gen XI is responsible for maintaining good relationships with all the students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences and for researching to support the needs of I’M KOM’s work programs.- Coordinator = Sauth Gabriel
- Member = Mutiara Widayanti
- Member = Malvin Theo
- Member = Yosephine Erica Krisna
- Member = Fabian Radyatama
- Member = Iola Khairunnisa
- Member = Riska Noveriena
- Member = Nada Athaya
- Academic Development
Academic Development of I’M KOM Gen XI is responsible for informing and reminding all academic information to the students; including tuition payment, seminars, guest lectures, etc.- Coordinator = Auramadina
- Member = Alfitria Nefi Pratiwi
- Member = Tan Erlina
- Member = Wella Yolanda
- Member = Erviennia Munglieyana Hasim
- Member = Kayla Kenesha
- Member = Adra Yosni
- Social Media Officer
Social Media Officer of I’M KOM Gen XI is responsible for all the publications of I’M KOM and also to interact with all the students of the Faculty of Communication Sciences through our social media.- Coordinator = Florence Daughti Kristian
- Member = Asafita Febriani
- Member = Yansen Steven
- Member = Ollivya Rhesty Mudetya
- Member = Chintia Tanarya
- Member = Gabriella AngelicaMember
- Member = Stefany Ardola
- Thesis Guide for Communication Science (click here)
- Thesis Guide for Communication Science (click here)
- Guide for Taking Courses & Online KRS (click here)
- Communication Science Internship Guide (click here)
- Academic Guidelines and Curriculum for Communication Science (click here)
- Student Affairs Guide (click here)
TANGERANG – The Student Association of Communication Sciences of Multimedia Nusantara University or I’M KOM UMN run a new work program called I’M KOM Gen XI Introduction Forum in February 2021 with the theme Do Not Know, Then Do Not Love.
This activity is a new work program implemented by I’M KOM Gen XI with the aim of introducing I’M KOM to the KBM of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, UMN, especially in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic which made the KBM of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, UMN unable to meet face-to-face. Also in line with I’M KOM Gen XI’s tagline, Together for Impact, the executive board hopes that through this Introduction Forum, the KBM of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, UMN, especially students, can get to know more about I’M KOM and can provide mutual benefits to one another.
Through this activity, I’M KOM Gen XI introduces all work programs to be implemented for a year, the incumbent members of the executive board, and opens discussion sessions for attendees who have suggestions and criticisms. This I’M KOM Gen XI Introduction Forum was held online through the ZOOM application and attended by students, campus media, other student associations, lecturers, Head of Strategic Communication Study Program, Head of Journalism Study Program, and Dean of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, UMN.
By I’M KOM Gen XI – Multimedia Nusantara University
TANGERANG – HMILKOM-UB conducted a Friendly Visit with I’M KOM UMN in February 2021.
To date, the world is still hit by the Covid-19 pandemic which hinders all aspects of human life. The student association as a student organization has also been greatly affected by this pandemic, thereby causing all activities to be carried out online. However, the Covid-19 pandemic has not prevented us from having a good relationship with student associations from other universities through Friendly Visits from HMILKOM-UB.
This HMILKOM-UB Friendly Visit activity consists of introduction of work programs, structure, executive board, and experience sharing from each student association. Both those from I’M KOM and HMILKOM-UB told each other about the activities of each student association. After the activity, the insights and knowledge obtained were then used as learning for I’M KOM Gen XI which was then designed to be actually implemented later.
One of the highlights of this friendly visit is the use of a virtual meeting platform or application that many people may not know about, namely “Gather Town” (https://gather.town/).
HMILKOM-UB introduced I’M KOM to the Gather Town platform which is simply a platform that combines video calls with 2D maps, allowing users to walk around and talk to other people. In appearance and content, it looks like an old school video game with 8-bit video quality. Currently, Gather Town is arguably a stiff competitor to other virtual meeting platforms, namely Zoom and Google Meet. In the future, this Gather Town platform can also be an alternative to I’M KOM’s virtual meeting or meeting activities.
By I’M KOM Gen XI – Multimedia Nusantara University
TANGERANG – I’M KOM UMN (Student Association of Communication Sciences of Multimedia Nusantara University) in April 2021, I’M KOM Gen XI run the Communication on Discussion (COD) work program with the theme Communication Sciences and the World of Work.
The Communication on Discussion (COD) with the theme Communication Sciences and the World of Work this time invited two speakers who were alumni of I’M KOM, namely Chandra (I’M KOM Gen IX and Gen X) and Dorothea Putri (I’M KOM Gen VIII and Gen IX). The two speakers shared their experiences during internships and work, as well as tips that students can do to prepare themselves for their internships.
The Communication on Discussion activity is one of the work programs which is still quite young because it was just “born” and sparked at the time of I’M KOM Gen X. The essence of Communication on Discussion is a work program existing as a place for discussion for the Faculty of Communication Sciences students, UMN. In this activity, hot topics that are related to knowledge in the realm of communication sciences will be discussed.
By I’M KOM Gen XI – Multimedia Nusantara University
TANGERANG – PRIDE (PR and Ideas) is an annual event supervised by I’M KOM since 2015. Through various competitions and webinars, PRIDE hopes UMN students’ of Strategic Communication can further enhance their skills, talents, and knowledge needed for internship and employment. PRIDE has partnered with various Advertising and Public Relation Agencies, such as Fortune Public Relations, Ogilvy Public Relations, Weber Shandwick, Hybrid:H, Future Mediatrix Group, and many more.
PRIDE elevates “New Normal, New Ideas” as the 2021 theme. With this, PRIDE is hoping to be a rendezvous of creative ideas to tackle the challenges of the new normal because of the COVID-19 pandemic. From there, PRIDE breaks down the theme into 4 competitions, IMC, MPR, Podcast, and E-poster. The IMC competition’s theme is “Start Up, Start Now”, as the competition is about helping UMKM or startups that are affected by the pandemic to make an integrated marketing campaign. Then the MPR competition, which theme is “Pass the Past for the Future ”, as the competition is about creating a marketing public relation planning for brands for a better future in this pandemic. PRIDE also offers E-poster and Podcast competitions which are open to the public. PRIDE believes that everyone should be given a platform to channel their creativity in the pandemic era. The Podcast Competition collaborates with INACO and the E-Poster with “Living Through a Pandemic” to visualize how we survive in the midst of crisis.
Aside from competitions, PRIDE also offers three webinars. The 1st Webinar about podcasts is “Will You Be the Next Podcaster?” presenting Jansen Utama as the founder of the Tulisan Alam podcast. The 1st Webinar talks about Jansen’s personal experience on starting a career in podcasts, how to be brave to develop ideas into a podcast, and tips on how to start a podcast. The 2nd Webinar is “Create Brand Communication Strategy with Hakuhodo” presenting Hakuhodo Indonesia’s Associate Planner Director. Rian Prabana. This webinar talks about how Hakuhodo implements their value in the making of advertisements on integrated marketing communication. The 3rd webinar is “Building Up Digital PR Skills in the Era of Uncertainty” presenting Nutrifood’s PR & Sustainability Development, Edwin Chandra. This webinar talks about the uncertainty of the communication industry. Moreover, the uncertainties in the sudden change brought by Covid-19. As we’ve all known, a lot of plans are delayed or even cancelled due to the pandemic, so this webinar proposes ideas of how students can prepare themselves before working in the industry, especially in the Public Relation sector.
Communication Festival is the biggest annual event that has been held by the Communication Science Faculty, Multimedia Nusantara University since 2009. COMMFEST consist of a series events, starts from Opening, Competition, Seminar, Charity, Exhibition, and ends with a festive Closing that can be attended by highschool students till college students from Java to Bali. In 2021, Communication Festival will be held for one full week starting from 27th of September until 1st of October 2021 with a theme “Querencia: Influence Authenticity”. With this theme, we hoped COMMFEST can be the “home” for every single person so that they can channel and bring everything that they have had to become the very best version of themself.
For more information, please access through our Instagram @commfest.umn
Public Media Relations Officer
TANGERANG – The Faculty of Communication Sciences, Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) in collaboration with the Continuing Education Department (CED) at UMN held the first Public Relations Certification at the UMN campus on Saturday (6/10).
This activity could be held in collaboration with the Indonesian Public Relations Certification Agency (LSPPRI), the first Level 3 Public Relations Certification Agency based on the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP) License. The Public Relations Certification held at UMN is a competency test for the Junior Public Relations Officer scheme and a competency test for the Public Media Relations Officer scheme.
“We hope that you can also provide input, criticism, and suggestions regarding this event, because it will definitely be useful for us in the future. In the future, we may have regular certification at UMN. And we also plan to become a Center of PR (public relations) Certification Research in Tangerang,” said Mochammad Kresna Noer as Secretary of the Communication Sciences Study Program at UMN in his speech.
Muslim Basya as the Chairman of the LSPPRI also gave his speech and simultaneously provided Technical Guidance for holding the PR certification at UMN. Whereas, the LSPPRI certification scheme was developed based on research and findings on the latest competency needs in the rapid changes in policy, strategic, and technical changes in Public Relations practices. The LSPPRI has succeeded in preparing a new Certification Scheme that has been tested, validated with various parties, and approved by the National Professional Certification Agency (“BNSP”).
“The Competency Test for the Junior Public Relations Officer Scheme and the Competency Test for the Public Media Relations Officer Scheme at UMN today will consist of three tests, namely Written, Interview, and Portfolio Tests. Participants successfully passing the test will be announced through UMN for about 1 month,” he said.
The Public Relations Certification at UMN was located in Building A, 7th floor, UMN campus. The event which started at 08.30 – 19.00 was attended by dozens of participants, both students and alumni of UMN, as well as practitioners. There were 20 participants in the competency test for the Junior Public Relations Officer scheme and 2 participants in the competency test for the Public Media Relations Officer scheme. The handover of Participation Certificates to the participants marked the end of the Public Relations certification event at UMN. (*/YC)
* by Restia Tities Asmawarini – Multimedia Nusantara University News Service

I can finish college with responsibilities while doing business. Mostly, Communication Science Program teaches a lot about branding and marketing, how we create a brand that people can easily remember and share with others.
Wilson Tjandra (Communication Science Alumni)
Founder and CEO Burgushi.id (Motrela Group)
Communication Science
“Good Communication, Great Connections”
Inco Hary Perdana, S.I.Kom., M.Si.
Head of Communication Science