Profile UDL (UMN Digital Learning)

UMN Digital Learning (UDL) is an educational unit under Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) that has been established since 2016 and has proven to produce graduates who are ready to be utilized by the industry. With their excellence in Information and Communication Technology, UMN creates and organizes digital learning through UDL. In addition, the presence of technological disruption in the education world requires UMN to adapt and generate learning innovations. UDL comes with digital learning innovations capable of providing learning experiences for students.

By implementing a digital learning system, learning activities in UDL can be done anywhere and anytime, so it is very suitable for students with time and distance constraints when studying in college. Due to the flexible learning methods, professional workers, housewives, entertainers, and entrepreneurs may study at UDL to get their bachelor’s degree.

To Become a Leading University in The ICT Field


Universitas Multimedia Nusantara becomes an outstanding university in ICT at both national and international levels, which produces graduates that are internationally-minded and highly competent in their field equipped with an entrepreneurial spirit and noble character.


To participate in educating the nation and to promote the welfare of the nation through providing higher education by implementing Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi (University’s three main purposes) (Education, Research, and Society Services), in order to improve quality of human resources of Indonesia.

ICT is one type of technologies that brings great impacts to people’s lives and has entered into every aspect of life. ICT is the technology of the present and the future.


Ninok Leksono

UMN Rector

UMN Advantages

Flexible Learning System

UDL implements a flexible learning system with study models: virtual synchronous and self-paced asynchronous. With these study models, the interactions between students and lecturers can be conducted without being bound by space and time. Face-to-face learning activities will be carried out in virtual sync. Students will discuss case studies, discussions, and questions and answers to strengthen their understanding of the lecture materials. Meanwhile, independent asynchronous learning activities are carried out by students by accessing learning materials through the Learning Management System and supported by online tutorials.

Entrepreneur Program

UDL collaborates with Skystar Ventures, an accredited “A” business incubator under UMN. By studying at UDL, students will have the opportunity to become entrepreneurs with the skills to build and develop a business.

Learning Materials

The lecture materials at UDL are curated and developed by lecturers who excel in their respective fields. UMN’s Learning Development Bureau also develops the lecture materials through a rigorous process of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation to support quality digital learning. In addition, UDL UMN also invites guest lecturers and practitioners to provide a refreshing learning experience for students by discussing case studies that are actual and practical.

In the Information Systems study program, I learned how to make programs relate to other production systems, as well as how pursue an effective and efficient production cycle. I also got an e-business course. I admit that the curriculum at UMN applies a balanced study of theory and practices and that it really helped me in comprehend the Batik Culture business.

Dea Valencia

Alumni Information System 2009

I had the opportunity to learn many things, starting from being a teaching assistant to earning the opportunity and trust to represent UMN in an accounting competition. This not only sharpened my academic skills but also fostered a strong sense of self-confidence and mentality in me. The experience I’ve come across during my study at UMN made me grateful that I chose to study at Multimedia Nusantara University

Chrysan Kirana Warsiman

Alumni Accounting 2010

”It has been fifty two years for Kompas Gramedia to accompany various generations of this nation. Kompas Gramedia keeps moving dynamically, enlightening people.

The Founder’s Commitment

Kompas Gramedia as the founder through Multimedia Nusantara Foundation is committed to develop UMN to be an outstanding university. The commitment is manifested in some real actions such as:

  • Preparing the facilities like the campus building, laboratory equipment, library, and some other facilities.
  • Giving a chance to UMN’s students to:
    • Undergo job training during a long holiday for around 2 months in Kompas Gramedia’s business units such as Kompas, Gramedia Pustaka Utama (book publishing), Gramedia Printing, (online media), etc.
    • Undergo internships in Kompas Gramedia’s business units.The two programs above help the students to gain the chance to pursue a career in Kompas Gramedia.
  • Giving opportunity for the best executives and professionals in Kompas Gramedia to be the lecturers in UMN.


UMN does not only educate the students to be ready to become professionals or researchers, but it also educates them to be ready to become entrepreneurs in technology, called technopreneur. UMN offers business incubator Skystar Ventures program that aims to prepare the students to be formidable entrepreneurs. Guided by well-experienced mentors, the students are prepared to run a business, even since they are still students.

Skystar Ventures’ vision is to promote the growth of startup communities in Indonesia. Through experience-based education, Skystar’s mission is to guide the participants to finalize the ideas and develop the products efficiently.


UMN tidak hanya mendidik mahasiswanya untuk siap menjadi profesional atau tenaga riset (akademisi), namun juga mendidik untuk siap menjadi wirausaha di bidang teknologi atau disebut technopreneur. Di dalam masa perkuliahan, UMN membuka program business incubator Skystar Ventures yang bertujuan menyiapkan mahasiswa menjadi technopreneur tangguh. Dengan bimbingan mentor berpengalaman, para mahasiswa dipersiapkan untuk menjalankan bisnis bahkan sejak masa kuliah.

Visi Skystar Ventures adalah mendorong pertumbuhan komunitas startup di Indonesia. Melalui pendidikan berbasis pengalaman, misi Skystar adalah untuk membimbing peserta untuk mematangkan ide dan mengembangkan produknya secara efisien.