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November 7, 2023
UMN’s Commitment to Economic Independence: Financial Aid for SMEs
November 8, 2023Welcoming Prof. Muhammad on (26/10) (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – UMN welcomes the arrival of IU International University of Applied Science Germany. This visit is carried out to establish cooperation between UMN and IU International University of Applied Science.
UMN established a collaboration with the International University of Applied Science Germany, represented by Prof. Muhammad Ashfaq, MBA, as Program Director of Digital Business B.A & Academic Director on (26/10).
Welcomed by Friska Natalia S.Kom., MT., Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Florentina Kurniasari T., S.Sos., M.B.A., Dean of the Faculty of Business, Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T, MPC, Head of the Master of Technology Management Study Program.
At this reception, they discussed the collaboration that will be carried out and emphasized research. Prof. Ashfaq mentioned that he is pretty active in research and has released two books. He does this research either from his personal life or anything that he can research.
“I really like finance, be it finance technology, business ethics, finance events, finance sustainability. Because finance has a very broad scope,” said Ashfaq in his discussion.
UMN itself is very interested in finance and wants to research it. UMN also invited Ashfaq to do research at Bank Indonesia.
“We want to attract students to the field of finance because many students still do not understand and do not like finance. In addition, we also have a target to increase research and publications,” Friska said in this discussion.
The desire for this collaboration is that both UMN and IU can mutually benefit and have a good impact, starting from student exchanges, research, visits, and many more things that can be developed together.
Presentation of Class Material by Prof. Muhammad (Doc. UMN).
In addition, during his visit, he also taught UMN’s technology management master class, which is in accordance with his specialization, namely finance, in the Technology, Finance, and Capital class. With the presentation of the material “Overview of EU FinTech Market, Creativity, Key Regulatory Challenges, & aftermath of Wirecard Scandal.”
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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